National Poetry Competition 2021 Winners & Finalists
Note: There is only one winner (if any) designated for the 10 to 14 years old category. Merit winners (if any) will each receive a Certificate of Achievement. Certificates of Participation (if any) may be awarded.
This year we received a total of 334 entries:
English - 210 entries, Chinese - 30 entries
Malay - 52 entries, Tamil - 42 entries
<Click here to view all the poems!>
Super Junior Category (10 to 14 years old)
Second Place
(“In Excess”)
by Tan Yuu Shane
Third Place
(“Small World”)
by Lovelle Chiu
Junior Category (15 to 17 years old)
Second Place
(“unique excursion”)
by Raneisha Yap
Merit Award
by Charmian Tang
Merit Award
by Kok Zhi Hao
Senior Category (18 and above)
Second Place
by Cheong Yun Yee
Second Place
by Chng Tsu Pang
Third Place
(“Fill In The Blanks”)
by Aaric Tan Xiang Yeow
Merit Award
(“The Portrait Of Singapore Communities Under COVID-19”)
by Shi Jiaxiang
Merit Award
(“Scenes From The Pandemic”)
by Lin Rongchan
Merit Award
("Sky Roots")
by David Cai Jinhang
Super Junior Category (10 to 14 years old)
There were no entries for this category.
Junior Category (15 to 17 years old)
First Place
“Mereka Yang Asing”
(“The Foreigners”)
by Dg Annisa Zunah Binte Md Alias
Second Place
“Yang Compang-Camping”
(“The Ragged”)
by Nabil Afiq Bin Jumali
Third Place
by Helmi Abdullah
Senior Category (18 and above)
First Place
“Di Jalan Ini Kita Berjalan Bersama”
(“Together We Walk The Road”)
by Goh Mey Teck
Second Place
“Menjadi Perkasa”
by R Azmann Bin A Rahman
Third Place
“Bait-bait Carbon”
(“Carbon Verses”)
by Farhanah Diyanah
Super Junior Category (10 to 14 years old)
First Place
“சமூக ஒன்றிணைய”
(“Unite Community”)
by G K Sri Harihar
Second Place
by Yawini D/O Serengavan
Certificate of Participation
“நம் சிங்கை சமூகம்”
(“Our Singapore Community”)
by Rajeshkumar Keshorkumar
Certificate of Participation
by Kuralamudhan Elangovan
Junior Category (15 to 17 years old)
First Place
("Vaadaamalli (Unwilting Flower)”)
by Elumalai Rithika
Certificate of Participation
“எங்கள் சிங்கை சமூகம்”
(“Our Singapore Community / Engal Singai Samoogam”)
by Palaniswamy Agathiappan Rakunanthan
Certificate of Participation
“சமூகத்தின் தனிக்கூறுகள்”
(“Unique Attributes of a Community”)
by Sendur Pandian Samiksha Kiran
Certificate of Participation
(“Community Seed”)
by Saranya Mushila
Certificate of Participation
“எனது இடம்”
(“My Place”)
by R S Harshini
Senior Category (18 and above)
First Place
“கண்களால் பாடும் காலம்”
(“A Period of Singing Eyes”)
by Venkatalakshmi Gopalakrishnan
Second Place
“வெற்றியின் மறைபொருள் ஒப்புரவு”
(“Vetriyin Maraiporul Oppuravu”)
by Jothiramalingam Saraswathy
Third Place
(“miidamirupavarkal (People who had been left behind)”)
by Varadarajan Hemalatha
Super Junior Category (10-14 years old)
First Place
by Ellisya Tan
Second Place
by Josh Goh Zheng Jie
Third Place
by Ilika Motani
“The Community of Bukit Ho Swee”
by Rohanveer Singh Sidhu
Junior Category (15 to 17 years old)
First Place
“mother tongue”
by Isabelle Lim
Second Place
by Maegan Tan
Third Place
“visiting hours”
by Sabrina Foo
Senior Category (18 and above)
First Place
“Another Island”
by Anurak Saelaow
Second Place
by Ian Goh
Third Place
“Dinner at the Taverna”
by Chrystal Ho