Lens & Lines: Poetry X Photography Exhibition (Opening)
Date: 30 July 2017 Sunday / Time: 10am to 11:00am / Venue: Block F, Level 4 Ngee Ann Kongsi Library, Lasalle
When light treads on poetic lines, a magical trail is formed, when poetry multiplies by photography, abstract wonders emerge from the shadows of concrete physicality.
From the onset of preparing this exhibition for our third edition of Poetry Festival (Singapore) (previously known as National Poetry Festival, NPF), we wanted to marry poems with photographs, only to discover they have already eloped once both caught sight of each other. Incredible creations emerged as visual wonders complement literary artistry. Of course, all these could not be possible without our brilliant curator, Vincent of PSS and our wonderful editor Zhou Hao of PFS.
Initially, we wanted to name this exhibition Poetic Shadows, then we remembered that poetry exists everywhere, not only in darkness and shadows. The beauty of the visual and the verbal can intertwine in an infinite number of angles and possibilities, imbricating as one to exude what Matthew Arnold called “the sweetness and light”.
This is an exhibition where poetics meets photography, where the lightness of shadows engages with the weight of thoughts and inspirations, where languages and translations interact and intersect, and hopefully, where you meet your objects of inspiration.
Associate Professor Tan Chee Lay
Vice President, Poetry Festival (Singapore)
Photography is widely used to record a moment of time, it can also be used to illustrate an artist's statement.
I am pleased to know that some of our members' works have inspired poets and will be exhibited alongside their poems in the Poetry Festival Singapore (PFS).
The Photographic Society of Singapore is pleased to collaborate with PFS in this special ‘Poetry-Photography’ exhibition.
Poetry and Photography complement each other perfectly in their respective fields. With integration of the two art-forms, poem readings are even more vivid along with the visual impact emitting from the photographs.
I would like to congratulate the poets and photographers for their excellent works that made this exhibition a success. And I hope this exhibition inspires more poets and photographers to scale greater height through this platform.
Mr. Goh Kim Hui
President, The Photographic Society of Singapore
Curatorial Statement
I am privileged to curate the photography component of the Poetry Festival Singapore 2017 (PFS). This year, PFS partnered with The Photographic Society of Singapore (PSS) to produce a photography exhibition that culminates with poetry writings based on the curated photographs. The exhibition assembles the creative talents of both local poets and art photographers.
The curatorial theme for this joint exhibition premised on “Regardless of Race”. My intent is to show that personal and social responsibilities transcend beyond individual races. The exhibited photographs show important aspects of humanity such as conserving nature, parenthood, religious freedom, harmony and patriotism. I hope the viewers can draw inspiration from the exhibition in realizing that notwithstanding our racial differences, we are not so different after all.
I am thankful to have worked with such a wonderful team and be part of this event that promotes collaboration between art forms. I am convinced that such partnerships can bring new life and vibrancy to the arts scene.
Mr. Vincent Liew, MBA, MA (Candidate)