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Judging Criteria for Living Galleries Instagram Competition

Your poems will be judged based on the 5 criteria below.

1. Sense of Form

(Form: shape and structure, manner in which it is made, style)


A proficient poem should have a consistently strong control over form/genre. Authors should have the remarkable ability to manipulate features to achieve intended effect. There should be an obvious effort to enhance the central ideas in the poem. The poem should have a consistent and highly mature style that impresses the reader.


2. Precision with language

(Language: dialogue, tone of voice, sensory details)


The author should have the remarkable ability to use precise and appropriate vocabulary to express intensity of feeling or action. There should be a sophisticated and confident use of language and other literary features such as elements of irony, humour, etc. There should be a clear exhibition of creative flair, with interesting turn of phrases.


3. Originality of Thought

(Unusual perspectives or presentation)


A proficient poem should be keenly insightful, with fresh, original ideas with excellent elaboration.


4. Truthfulness of Feeling

(Conviction, sincerity, honesty reflected in writing)


There should be exhibition of deep passion for the topic/issue. The poem should contain little or no cliches/stereotypes. There should be a strong sense of voice, highly appropriate for the content and purpose.


5. Sensitivity to the world at large

(Awareness and reflection of the world and/or social/cultural views)


A proficient poem should display keen awareness of world views. The author should have the remarkable ability to grapple with pertinent social.cultural issues. The poem should exhibited an enlightened response.


1. Poems are to be submitted in English via Instagram.
Please tag #limchenghoepoetry and #buysinglit in your post and ensure your profile is set to 'Public' mode.
2. Entrants need to include Lim Cheng Hoe artwork image(s) that your poem is inspired by. 

Minimum lines: 5. Maximun lines: 40.

3. Include this caption - "Lim Cheng Hoe: Painting Singapore" exhibition is currently exhibiting at National Gallery Singapore.
4. Only the first/earliest submission will be considered in the case of multiple entries.
5. Top 3 entries will receive a book voucher of $40.00 each, sponsored by Singapore Book Council.
6. Top 3 winners will also be invited to read during a poetry tour on 9 March 2019, 5pm. 
7. Competition will end on 20 Feb 2019 , 23:59 Singapore Time (GMT+8).
8. Results will be announced by 25 Feb 2019. The decision of the judges is final.

9. Open to all based in Singapore. Foreigners and migrant workers are welcome to join. 


Below is an example of how you should present your poem entry.

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